Street Art


If you’re interested in street art, don’t miss this !

The MAMCS (Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Strasbourg) is celebrating its 20th birthday. For the occasion, it has invited the American street artist collective FAILE to paint its outside walls. The result is just amazing !

The murals were inaugurated on May 5th. Mrs. B. was there to ask a few questions to Patrick Miller and Patrick MacNeil, the two street artists who painted a series of pieces entitled « From the air we share ».

– Mrs. B : Where do you come from ?

– Patrick McNeil : I’m from New York, and my friend Patrick Miller is from Canada.

– How long have you been working together ?

– We met in high school, at the age of 14, and we’ve been friends ever since. Our collaboration started in 1999. Our studio is in Brooklyn, New York.

-Did you go to an art school ?

-Yes, we both did, in New York for me, and Minnesota for Patrick.

-When did you first come to Strasbourg ?

-Last December. We had an exhibition in Berlin and we – quite foolishly – decided to drive to Strasbourg for a meeting with the museum director. We were caught in a snow storm and arrived very late, and exhausted ! But then we walked around the town and discovered its historic buildings. People also told us a lot of stories which were an inspiration for our pieces.

-Some of them are quite dark. Would you describe yourselves as optimistic or pessimistic persons ?

-I think we are realists. Our murals always tell a story. In Strasbourg, we wanted to express little stories as well as History with a capital H. And we all know that it isn’t always bright and happy. But our murals celebrate both life and death.

-Were you completely free to paint what you wanted on the museum walls ?

-Yes, absolutely.

-Where does the name FAILE come from ?

-One of our first pieces was called A LIFE, but the name was already taken by a commercial brand. So we changed it by making an anagram. Of course, « fail » means « échouer », but we think that you have to risk failure in order to succeed.

-Have you ever been arrested ?

-Yes, twice.

-What happened ?

-I spent one night in a prison cell and had to do some community work ; in my case, clean a park.

-How did you work here in Strasbourg ?

-We worked at night to prepare the walls and apply stencils which were then painted by a team of art students. The sheer size of these pieces meant that we needed help for the heavy job, and we had only two weeks to do it.

-Do you think officially commissioned street artists are still street artists ? Where is the rebellion gone ?

-We are definitely street artists because our pieces are not inside the museum, but outside for everyone to see and enjoy free. And we always keep our freedom of expression. But it’s true that street art has changed a lot since the 1970s. A new form of art is probably emerging right now.

-Which one ?

-That’s a thing only the future will tell.

-Thank you very much for answering my questions !